Homework 5 is due this Friday (remember to get an early start!)
Next class: No new content, only a review! (Final TRIVIA)
Homework 5 is due this Friday (remember to get an early start!)
Next class: No new content, only a review! (Final TRIVIA)
One final JITT: Only a Knowledge Check (due Sunday before class for Monday section).
Decision trees:
Classification and Regression Trees
When to split? Complexity parameter
Advantages and disadvantages.
Ensemble methods:
Bagging (e.g. tree bagging)
Random Forests
Quick recap on trees
A decision tree is a structure that works like a flowchart
You start at the root node, make your way down the branches through the (internal) nodes, and get to the leaves (terminal nodes).
In general, we will only increase the size of our tree (additional split) if we gain some additional information for prediction
How do we measure that information gain?
# Data for ISLRCarseats = read.csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/maibennett/sta235/main/exampleSite/content/Classes/Week13/1_RandomForests/data/Carseats.csv")head(Carseats)
## Sales CompPrice Income Advertising Population Price ShelveLoc Age Education## 1 9.50 138 73 11 276 120 Bad 42 17## 2 11.22 111 48 16 260 83 Good 65 10## 3 10.06 113 35 10 269 80 Medium 59 12## 4 7.40 117 100 4 466 97 Medium 55 14## 5 4.15 141 64 3 340 128 Bad 38 13## 6 10.81 124 113 13 501 72 Bad 78 16## Urban US## 1 Yes Yes## 2 Yes Yes## 3 Yes Yes## 4 Yes Yes## 5 Yes No## 6 No Yes
library(caret)library(rpart)library(rattle)library(rsample)library(modelr)set.seed(100)split = initial_split(Carseats, prop = 0.7, strata = "Sales")carseats.train = training(split)carseats.test = testing(split)tuneGrid = expand.grid(cp = seq(0, 0.015, length = 100))mcv = train(Sales ~., data = carseats.train, method = "rpart", trControl = trainControl("cv", number = 10), tuneGrid = tuneGrid)
library(caret)library(rpart)library(rattle)library(rsample)library(modelr)set.seed(100)split = initial_split(Carseats, prop = 0.7, strata = "Sales")carseats.train = training(split)carseats.test = testing(split)tuneGrid = expand.grid(cp = seq(0, 0.015, length = 100))mcv = train(Sales ~., data = carseats.train, method = "rpart", trControl = trainControl("cv", number = 10), tuneGrid = tuneGrid)
fancyRpartPlot(mcv$finalModel, caption="Decision Tree for Car Seats Sales")
Q1) We are trying to predict Sales. How many different prediction values for sales will I have, at most, considering the previous decision tree?
Seems a pretty complex tree... can we improve it?
Q2) What is the main objective of bagging?
Bagging (Bootstrap Aggregation): Meant to reduce variance.
Remember bootstrap sampling?
Bagging (Bootstrap Aggregation): Meant to reduce variance.
Remember bootstrap sampling?
Bootstrap your training sample B times
For each sample b, build a full-grown tree (no pruning).
Predict your outcomes!
a) Regression: Average the outcomes
b) Classification: Majority vote
Source: Singhal (2020)
set.seed(100)bt = train(Sales ~ ., data = carseats.train, method = "treebag", trControl = trainControl("cv", number = 10), nbagg = 100, control = rpart.control(cp = 0))
set.seed(100)bt = train(Sales ~ ., data = carseats.train, method = "treebag", trControl = trainControl("cv", number = 10), nbagg = 100, control = rpart.control(cp = 0))
set.seed(100)bt = train(Sales ~ ., data = carseats.train, method = "treebag", trControl = trainControl("cv", number = 10), nbagg = 100, control = rpart.control(cp = 0))
set.seed(100)bt = train(Sales ~ ., data = carseats.train, method = "treebag", trControl = trainControl("cv", number = 10), nbagg = 100, control = rpart.control(cp = 0))
How does it compare to the best single decision tree?
How does it compare to the best single decision tree?
Let's see!
rmse(mcv, carseats.test)
## [1] 2.025994
rmse(bt, carseats.test)
## [1] 1.523912
set.seed(100)bt = train(Sales ~ ., data = carseats.train, method = "treebag", trControl = trainControl("cv", number = 10), nbagg = 100, control = rpart.control(cp = 0))plot(varImp(bt, scale = TRUE))
We can do better...
Random forests
Bootstrap: Vary n dimension (rows/obs)
Bootstrap: Vary n dimension (rows/obs)
De-correlation: Vary p dimension (number of predictors)
Bootstrap: Vary n dimension (rows/obs)
De-correlation: Vary p dimension (number of predictors)
1. Given a training data set2. Select number of trees to build (n_trees)3. for i = 1 to n_trees do4. | Generate a bootstrap sample of the original data5. | Grow a regression/classification tree to the bootstrapped data6. | for each split do7. | | Select m_try variables at random from all p variables8. | | Pick the best variable/split-point among the m_try9. | | Split the node into two child nodes10. | end11. | Use typical tree model stopping criteria to determine when a | tree is complete (but do not prune)12. end13. Output ensemble of trees
Source: Boehmke & Greenwell (2020)
set.seed(100)tuneGrid = expand.grid( mtry = 1:11, splitrule = "variance", min.node.size = 5)rfcv = train(Sales ~ ., data = carseats.train, method = "ranger", trControl = trainControl("cv", number = 10), importance = "permutation", tuneGrid = tuneGrid)plot(rfcv)
library(doParallel)cl = makePSOCKcluster(7)registerDoParallel(cl)set.seed(100)rfcv_fast = train(Sales ~ ., data = carseats.train, method = "ranger", trControl = trainControl("cv", number = 10, allowParallel = TRUE), tuneGrid = tuneGrid)stopCluster(cl)registerDoSEQ()
plot(varImp(rfcv, scale = TRUE))
Q3) In a Random Forest, a higher number of trees will yield an... underfitted model? overfitted model? doesn't affect?
# Pruned treermse(mcv, carseats.test)
## [1] 2.025994
# Bagged treesrmse(bt, carseats.test)
## [1] 1.523912
# Random Forestrmse(rfcv, carseats.test)
## [1] 1.476309
Can we do better than this?
Similar to bagging, but now trees grow sequentially.
Slowly learning!
More effective on models with high bias and low variance
Number of trees: We need to select the B number of trees we will fit. We can get this through cross-validation.
Shrinkage parameter: λ determines how fast the boosting will learn. Typical numbers range are 0.001 to 0.01. If your algorithm is learning too slow (low λ), you're going to need a lot of trees!
Number of trees: We need to select the B number of trees we will fit. We can get this through cross-validation.
Shrinkage parameter: λ determines how fast the boosting will learn. Typical numbers range are 0.001 to 0.01. If your algorithm is learning too slow (low λ), you're going to need a lot of trees!
Number of splits: Number of splits d controls the complexity of your trees. We usually work with low-complexity trees (d=1)
Q4) A tree with just a root and two leaves is called a stomp. Are these high or low-bias trees?
There are different types of boosting:
Gradient boosting (GBM): Improve on residuals of weak learners
Adaptive boosting (AdaBosst): Larger weights for wrong classifications.
## model parameter label forReg forClass probModel## 1 ada iter #Trees FALSE TRUE TRUE## 2 ada maxdepth Max Tree Depth FALSE TRUE TRUE## 3 ada nu Learning Rate FALSE TRUE TRUE
## model parameter label forReg forClass probModel## 1 gbm n.trees # Boosting Iterations TRUE TRUE TRUE## 2 gbm interaction.depth Max Tree Depth TRUE TRUE TRUE## 3 gbm shrinkage Shrinkage TRUE TRUE TRUE## 4 gbm n.minobsinnode Min. Terminal Node Size TRUE TRUE TRUE
set.seed(100)gbm = train(Sales ~ ., data = carseats.train, method = "gbm", trControl = trainControl("cv", number = 10), tuneLength = 20)
# Final Model informationgbm$finalModel
## A gradient boosted model with gaussian loss function.## 400 iterations were performed.## There were 11 predictors of which 11 had non-zero influence.
# Best Tuning parameters?gbm$bestTune
## n.trees interaction.depth shrinkage n.minobsinnode## 8 400 1 0.1 10
# Pruned treermse(mcv, carseats.test)
## [1] 2.025994
# Bagged treesrmse(bt, carseats.test)
## [1] 1.523912
# Random Forestrmse(rfcv, carseats.test)
## [1] 1.476309
# Gradient Boostingrmse(gbm, carseats.test)
## [1] 1.212779
Q5) What is the main objective of boosting?
There's a lot we can do to improve our prediction models!
Decision trees by itself are not great...
Bagging and boosting can be used with other learners, not only DT!
There are a lot of other methods out there and ways to combine them! (e.g. stacking)
Boehmke, B. & B. Greenwell. (2020). "Hands-on Machine Learning with R"
James, G. et al. (2021). "Introduction to Statistical Learning with Applications in R". Springer. Chapter 8.
Singhal, G. (2020). "Ensemble methods in Machine Learning: Bagging vs. Boosting"
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