class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide .title[ # STA 235H - Model Selection I:
Bias vs Variance, Cross-Validation, and Stepwise ] .subtitle[ ## Fall 2023 ] .author[ ### McCombs School of Business, UT Austin ] --- <!-- <script type="text/javascript"> --> <!-- MathJax.Hub.Config({ --> <!-- "HTML-CSS": { --> <!-- preferredFont: null, --> <!-- webFont: "Neo-Euler" --> <!-- } --> <!-- }); --> <!-- </script> --> <style type="text/css"> .small .remark-code { /*Change made here*/ font-size: 80% !important; } .tiny .remark-code { /*Change made here*/ font-size: 80% !important; } </style> # Announcements - Re-grading for homework 3 available **.darkorange[until this Thursday]**. - Please <u>check the rubric</u> and based on that ask for a specific re-grade. -- - Think of **.darkorange[assignment drop]** as an insurance policy. - Start assignments with enough time *if you already think you used your drop*. -- - **.darkorange[Grades for the midterm]** will be posted on Tuesday. - Importance of completing assignments (e.g. practice quiz, JITTs). - Final exam will have limited notes. -- - **.darkorange[Start of a completely new chapter]** - If you struggled with causal inference, doesn't mean that you can't do very well in this second part. --- # Last class .pull-left[ .center[ ![]( ] ] .pull-right[ - Finished with causal inference, discussing **.darkorange[regression discontinuity designs]** - We will review the **.darkorange[JITT]** (slides will be posted tomorrow) - Importance of **.darkorange[doing the coding exercises]** ] --- # JITT 9: Regression discontinuity design - **.darkorange[RDD]** allows us to compare people <u>exactly at the cutoff</u> if they were treated vs not treated, and estimate a **.darkorange[Local Average Treatment Effect]** (LATE) for those units. -- - In the example for the JITT, the treatment is **.darkorange[being legally able to drink]** (and the control is *not* being legally able to drink). -- - The code you had to run is: `summary(rdrobust(mlda$all, mlda$r, c = 0))` - In this case, remember that `all` is our outcome (total number of arrests), `r` is our *centered* running variable (age minus the cutoff), and `c = 0` is our cutoff (remember that `r` is centered around 0, so the cutoff is 0 and not 7670). - You have to look at the coefficient in the table (`Conventional`)... and remember to also look at the p-value! -- - *"On average, for individuals with exactly 21 years of age, being legally able to drink increases the total number of arrests by 409.1, compared to not being legally able to drink"* --- # Introduction to prediction .pull-left[ - So far, we had been focusing on **.darkorange[causal inference]**: - Estimating an effect and "predicting" a counterfactual (what if?) - Now, we will focus on **.darkorange[prediction]**: - Estimate/predict outcomes under specific conditions. ] .pull-right[ .center[ ![]( ] ] --- # Differences between inference and prediction - Inference `\(\rightarrow\)` focus on **.darkorange[covariate]** - **.darkorange[Interpretability]** of model. - Prediction `\(\rightarrow\)` focus on **.darkorange[outcome variable]** - **.darkorange[Accuracy]** of model. .box-2[Both can be complementary!] --- # Example: What is churn? .pull-left[ - **.darkorange[Churn:]** Measure of how many customers stop using your product (e.g. cancel a subscription). ] .pull-right[ .center[ ![:scale 80%](] ] --- # Example: What is churn? .pull-left[ - **.darkorange[Churn:]** Measure of how many customers stop using your product (e.g. cancel a subscription). .box-2trans[Less costly to keep a customer than bring a new one] ] .pull-right[ .center[ ![:scale 80%](] ] --- # Example: What is churn? .pull-left[ - **.darkorange[Churn:]** Measure of how many customers stop using your product (e.g. cancel a subscription). .box-2trans[Less costly to keep a customer than bring a new one] .box-4trans[Prevent churn] ] .pull-right[ .center[ ![:scale 80%](] ] --- # Example: What is churn? .pull-left[ - **.darkorange[Churn:]** Measure of how many customers stop using your product (e.g. cancel a subscription). .box-2trans[Less costly to keep a customer than bring a new one] .box-4trans[Prevent churn] .box-7trans[Identify customer that are likely to cancel/quit/fail to renew] ] .pull-right[ .center[ ![:scale 80%](] ] --- # Bias vs Variance .box-4["There are no free lunches in statistics"] -- - Not one method dominates others: Context/dataset dependent. - Remember that the goal of prediction is to have a method that is accurate in predicting outcomes on **.darkorange[previously unseen data]**. - **.darkorange[Validation set approach:]** Training and testing data -- .box-2[Balance between flexibility and accuracy] --- # Bias vs Variance .box-2[Variance] .box-2t["[T]he amount by which the function *f* would change if we estimated it using a different training dataset"] -- .box-6[Bias] .box-6t["[E]rror introduced by approximating a real-life problem with a model"] --- .center2[ .box-5Trans[Q1:Which models do you think are higher variance?] .box-5trans[a) More flexible models] .box-5trans[b) Less flexible models] ] --- # Bias vs. Variance: The ultimate battle - In inference, **.darkorange[bias >> variance]** - In prediction, we care about **.darkorange[both]**: - Measures of accuracy will have both bias and variance. .box-4[Trade-off at different rates] --- # How do we measure accuracy? Different measures (*for continuous outcomes*): - Remember `\(Adj-R^2\)`? -- - `\(R^2\)` (proportion of the variation in `\(Y\)` explained by `\(X\)`s) adjusted by the number of predictors! -- - **.darkorange[Mean Squared Error (MSE)]**: *Can be decomposed into variance and bias terms* `$$MSE = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n(y_i-\hat{f}(x_i))^2$$` -- - **.darkorange[Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE)]**: *Measured in the same units as the outcome!* `$$RMSE = \sqrt{MSE}$$` -- - Other measures: Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) and Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) --- # Is flexibility always better? <img src="f2023_sta235h_10_ModelSelectionI_files/figure-html/bias_variance-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Is flexibility always better? <img src="f2023_sta235h_10_ModelSelectionI_files/figure-html/bias_variance2-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Is flexibility always better? <img src="f2023_sta235h_10_ModelSelectionI_files/figure-html/bias_variance3-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Is flexibility always better? <img src="f2023_sta235h_10_ModelSelectionI_files/figure-html/bias_variance4-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Example: Let's predict "pre-churn"! - You work at HBO Max and you know that a good measure for someone at risk of unsubscribing is the **.darkorange[times they've logged in the past week]**: ```r hbo = read.csv("") head(hbo) ``` ``` ## id female city age logins succession unsubscribe ## 1 1 1 1 53 10 0 1 ## 2 2 1 1 48 7 1 0 ## 3 3 0 1 45 7 1 0 ## 4 4 1 1 51 5 1 0 ## 5 5 1 1 45 10 0 0 ## 6 6 1 0 40 0 1 0 ``` --- # Two candidates: Simple vs Complex - **.darkorange[Simple Model]**: `$$logins = \beta_0 + \beta_1\times Succession + \beta_2 \times city + \varepsilon$$` - **.darkorange[Complex Model]**: $$ `\begin{aligned} logins =& \beta_0 + \beta_1\times Succession + \beta_2\times age + \beta_3\times age^2 +\\ &\beta_4\times city + \beta_5\times female + \varepsilon \end{aligned}` $$ --- # Create Validation Sets ```r set.seed(100) #Always set seed for replication! *n = nrow(hbo) train = sample(1:n, n*0.8) #randomly select 80% of the rows for our training sample = hbo %>% slice(train) = hbo %>% slice(-train) ``` --- # Create Validation Sets ```r set.seed(100) #Always set seed for replication! n = nrow(hbo) *train = sample(1:n, n*0.8) = hbo %>% slice(train) = hbo %>% slice(-train) ``` --- # Create Validation Sets ```r set.seed(100) #Always set seed for replication! n = nrow(hbo) train = sample(1:n, n*0.8) #randomly select 80% of the rows for our training sample * = hbo %>% slice(train) * = hbo %>% slice(-train) ``` --- # Estimate Accuracy Measure ```r library(modelr) lm_simple = lm(logins ~ succession + city, data = lm_complex = lm(logins ~ female + city + age + I(age^2) + succession, data = # For simple model: rmse(lm_simple, %>% round(., 4) ``` ``` ## [1] 2.0899 ``` ```r # For complex model: rmse(lm_complex, %>% round(., 4) ``` ``` ## [1] 2.0934 ``` - **.darkorange[Q2: Which one would you prefer?]** --- # Cross-Validation - To avoid using only **.darkorange[one training and testing dataset]**, we can iterate over *k-fold* division of our data: .center[ ![:scale 80%](] --- # Cross-Validation **.darkorange[Procedure for *k-fold* cross-validation]**: 1. Divide your data in *k-folds* (usually, `\(K=5\)` or `\(K=10\)`). 2. Use `\(k=1\)` as the testing data and `\(k=2,..,K\)` as the training data. 3. Calculate the accuracy measure `\(A_k\)` on the testing data. 4. Repeat for each `\(k\)`. 5. Average `\(A_k\)` for all `\(k \in K\)`. -- Main advantage: Use the entire dataset for training **.darkorange[AND]** testing. --- # How do we do CV in R? ```r *library(caret) set.seed(100) train.control = trainControl(method = "cv", number = 10) lm_simple = train(logins ~ succession + city, data = disney, method="lm", trControl = train.control) lm_simple ``` --- # How do we do CV in R? ```r library(caret) *set.seed(100) train.control = trainControl(method = "cv", number = 10) lm_simple = train(logins ~ succession + city, data = disney, method="lm", trControl = train.control) lm_simple ``` --- # How do we do CV in R? ```r library(caret) set.seed(100) *train.control = trainControl(method = "cv", number = 10) lm_simple = train(logins ~ succession + city, data = disney, method="lm", trControl = train.control) lm_simple ``` --- # How do we do CV in R? .small[ ```r library(caret) *set.seed(100) train.control = trainControl(method = "cv", number = 10) *lm_simple = train(logins ~ succession + city, data = hbo, method="lm", * trControl = train.control) lm_simple ``` ``` ## Linear Regression ## ## 5000 samples ## 2 predictor ## ## No pre-processing ## Resampling: Cross-Validated (10 fold) ## Summary of sample sizes: 4500, 4501, 4499, 4500, 4500, 4501, ... ## Resampling results: ## ## RMSE Rsquared MAE ## 2.087314 0.6724741 1.639618 ## ## Tuning parameter 'intercept' was held constant at a value of TRUE ``` ] --- # Stepwise selection - We have seen how to choose between some given models. **.darkorange[But what if we want to test all possible models?]** - **.darkorange[Stepwise selection]**: Computationally-efficient algorithm to select a model based on the data we have (subset selection). -- Algorithm for forward stepwise selection: 1. Start with the *null model*, `\(M_0\)` (no predictors) 2. For `\(k=0, ..., p-1\)`: (a) Consider all `\(p-k\)` models that augment `\(M_k\)` with one additional predictor. (b) Choose the *best* among these `\(p-k\)` models and call it `\(M_{k+1}\)`. 3. Select the single best model from `\(M_{0},...,M_p\)` using CV. .source[Backwards stepwise follows the same procedure, but starts with the full model.] --- .center2[ .box-2LA[Will forward stepwise subsetting yield the same results as backwards stepwise selection?] ] --- # How do we do stepwise selection in R? .small[ ```r set.seed(100) train.control = trainControl(method = "cv", number = 10) #set up a 10-fold cv lm.fwd = train(logins ~ . - unsubscribe, data =, * method = "leapForward", * tuneGrid = data.frame(nvmax = 1:5), trControl = train.control) lm.fwd$results ``` ``` ## nvmax RMSE Rsquared MAE RMSESD RsquaredSD MAESD ## 1 1 2.269469 0.6101788 1.850376 0.04630907 0.01985045 0.04266950 ## 2 2 2.087184 0.6702660 1.639885 0.04260047 0.01784601 0.04623508 ## 3 3 2.087347 0.6702094 1.640405 0.04258030 0.01804773 0.04605074 ## 4 4 2.088230 0.6699245 1.641402 0.04270561 0.01808685 0.04620206 ## 5 5 2.088426 0.6698623 1.641528 0.04276883 0.01810569 0.04624618 ``` ] -- - Which one would you choose out of the 5 models? Why? --- # How do we do stepwise selection in R? .tiny[ ```r # We can see the number of covariates that is optimal to choose: lm.fwd$bestTune ``` ``` ## nvmax ## 2 2 ``` ```r # And how does that model looks like: summary(lm.fwd$finalModel) ``` ``` ## Subset selection object ## 5 Variables (and intercept) ## Forced in Forced out ## id FALSE FALSE ## female FALSE FALSE ## city FALSE FALSE ## age FALSE FALSE ## succession FALSE FALSE ## 1 subsets of each size up to 2 ## Selection Algorithm: forward ## id female city age succession ## 1 ( 1 ) " " " " " " " " "*" ## 2 ( 1 ) " " " " "*" " " "*" ``` ```r # If we want the RMSE rmse(lm.fwd, ``` ``` ## [1] 2.089868 ``` ] --- .center2[ .box-7Trans[Your Turn] ] --- # Takeaway points .pull-left[ - In prediction, everything is going to be about **.darkorange[bias vs variance]**. - Importance of **.darkorange[validation sets]**. - We now have methods to **.darkorange[select models]**. ] .pull-right[ .center[ ![](] ] --- # Next class .pull-left[ - Continue with prediction and model selection - **.darkorange[Shrinkage/Regularization methods]**: - Ridge regression and Lasso. ] .pull-right[ .center[ ![]( ] ] --- # References - James, G. et al. (2021). "Introduction to Statistical Learning with Applications in R". *Springer*. *Chapter 2, 5, and 6*. - STDHA. (2018). ["Stepwise Regression Essentials in R."]( - STDHA. (2018). ["Cross-Validation Essentials in R."]( <!-- pagedown::chrome_print('C:/Users/mc72574/Dropbox/Hugo/Sites/sta235/exampleSite/content/Classes/Week9/2_ModelSelection/f2021_sta235h_14_ModelSelectionI.html') -->