class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide .title[ # STA 235H - Classification and Regression Trees (CART) ] .subtitle[ ## Fall 2023 ] .author[ ### McCombs School of Business, UT Austin ] --- <!-- <script type="text/javascript"> --> <!-- MathJax.Hub.Config({ --> <!-- "HTML-CSS": { --> <!-- preferredFont: null, --> <!-- webFont: "Neo-Euler" --> <!-- } --> <!-- }); --> <!-- </script> --> <style type="text/css"> .small .remark-code { /*Change made here*/ font-size: 80% !important; } .tiny .remark-code { /*Change made here*/ font-size: 80% !important; } </style> # Announcements - Next week will be the **.darkorange[last class with new material]**. -- - The final week of class will be for a **.darkorange[review session]**. - Final Trivia! -- - You need to choose a topic for **.darkorange[Homework 6]** - Remember that this homework cannot be dropped. - All tasks have the same difficulty. - You will only be competing with people that choose your same dataset. --- # Where we've been... .pull-left[ - Talking about **.darkorange[bias vs variance]** trade-off. - **.darkorange[Linear models, model selection and regularization]**: - Linear regressions. - Stepwise selection. - Ridge and Lasso regression. ] .pull-right[ .center[ ![]( ] ] --- # ... and where we're going. .pull-left[ .center[ ![]( ] ] .pull-right[ - Continue on our **.darkorange[prediction]** journey: - **.darkorange[Decision Trees]**: Classification and Regression Trees (CART) - **.darkorange[Activity in R]**: Remember to try to complete it before the end of the class! ] --- # Before we start... knowledge check! - Ridge and lasso regression **.darkorange[add bias to a linear model to reduce variance]**: - Remember that when we fit a ridge or lasso regression, we use all the predictors we have in our data! -- - `\(\lambda\)` represents the **.darkorange[ridge/lasso penalty]**: The larger the `\(\lambda\)` the smaller the (sum of) coefficients, e.g. `\(\sum_k\beta_k^2\)` or `\(\sum_k|\beta_k|\)`. - We "mute" or decrease the relation between predictors and outcome. -- <br> <br> .box-7Trans[Q1: What is the main difference (in terms of the final model) between Ridge and Lasso regression?] --- background-position: 50% 50% class: left, bottom, inverse .big[ Trees, trees everywhere! ] --- .center2[ .box-5Trans[From the videos/readings, how would you explain to someone what a decision tree is?] ] --- # Idea behind Decision Trees - Create a **.darkorange[flow chart]** for making decisions - *How do we classify an individual or what value do we assign to an observation?* -- - ... But there are **.darkorange[many]** decisions! -- - How many variables do we use? -- - How do we sort them? In what order do we place them? -- - How do we split them? -- - How deep do we go? --- .center2[ .box-6Trans[Q2: What is the main disadvantage of a shallower tree (compared to a deeper tree)?] .box-6trans[a) Higher variance<br><br> b) Higher bias<br><br> c) Lower variance<br><br> d) Lower bias] ] --- # Structure of Decision Trees .pull-left[ .center[ ![](] ] .pull-right[ **.darkorange[Structure:]** - Root node - Internal nodes - Leaves ] --- # Why do we like/not like Decision Trees? .pull-left[ .box-4[Main advantages] <br> .box-4t[Simple interpretation] <br> .box-4t[Mirror human decision-making] <br> .box-4t[Graphic displays!] <br> .box-4t[Handle categorical variables] ] .pull-left[ .box-6[Main disadvantages] <br> .box-6t[Overfitting] <br> .box-6t[Not very accurate/not very robust] ] --- # Let's start with a simple example .box-3[Remember our Hbo Max example?] -- .box-3t[Predict who will cancel their subscription] -- We have some **.darkorange[information:]** - `city`: Whether the customer lives in a big city or not - `female`: Whether the customer is female or not - `age`: Customer's age (in years) - `logins`: Number of logins to the platform in the past week. - `succession`: Whether the person has watched the Succession or not. - `unsubscribe`: Whether they canceled their subscription or not. --- # The prediction task: Classification - Our outcome is **.darkorange[binary]**, so this is a **.darkorange[classification task]**. -- - Let's start looking at **.darkorange[two variables]**: .box-4[City & Succession] -- - Which one do you think should be at the top of the tree? --- # How do we decide? - **.darkorange[Recursive Binary Splitting]**: - Divide regions of covariates in two (recursively). - This works both for continuous and categorical/binary variables -- - We test out every covariate and see **.darkorange[which one reduces the error the most]** in our predictions - In **.darkorange[regression tasks]**, we can use RMSE. - In **.darkorange[classification tasks]**, we can use accuracy/classification error rate, <u>Gini Index</u>, or entropy -- `$$G = \sum_{k=0}^1\hat{p}_{mk}(1-\hat{p}_{mk})$$` where `\(\hat{p}_{mk}\)` is the proportion of obs. in the `\(m\)` region for class `\(k\)`. --- # How do we decide? In our HBO Max example: - `\(k\)` represents the **.darkorange[different values that the outcome]** can take (e.g. `\(Unsubscribe \in \{0,1\}\)`), and - `\(m\)` represents the **.darkorange[values that the predictor takes]** (e.g. `\(Succession = 0\)`). E.g.: - `\(p_{mk} = p_{00}\)`: The proportion of people who are <u>subscribed</u> (Unsubscribed = 0) and that <u>have not</u> watched Succession (Succession = 0) - `\(p_{mk} = p_{01}\)`: The proportion of people who are <u>unsubscribed</u> (Unsubscribed = 1) and that <u>have not</u> watched Succession (Succession = 0) - Usually, you want the Gini index to be **.darkorange[small]**! --- .center2[ .box-6Trans[Q3: According to the Gini Index, is it better or worse to have a high p<sub>mk</sub> (i.e. closer to 1)?] <br> <br> `$$G = \sum_{k=1}^K\hat{p}_{mk}(1-\hat{p}_{mk})$$` ] --- # Choosing predictors - From the previous exercise, we can see that **.darkorange[using `succession` yields a lower Gini compared to `city`]** (0.428 vs. 0.482) -- <br> <br> .box-2[But we have more variables] -- .box-3[How do we choose?] --- # Basic Algorithm .box-2s[1) Start at the root node] <br> <br> -- .box-4s[2) Split the parent node at covariate x<sub>i</sub> to minimize the sum of child node impurities] <br> <br> -- .box-5s[3) Stop if leaves are pure or early stopping criteria is satisfied, else repeat step (1) and (2) for each new child nodes] <br> <br> -- .box-6s[4) Prune your tree according to a complexity parameter (cp)] <br> <br> -- .box-7s[5) Assign the average outcome (regression) or the majority (classification) in each leaf.] <br> .source[Adapted from "Machine Learning FAQs" (Raschka, 2021)] --- # Grow full tree and prune it .center[ ![]( ] --- # Hyper-parameter: Complexity parameter - Measure of how much a split should **.darkorange[improve prediction]** for it to be worth it. -- `$$\sum_{m=1}^{|T|} \sum_{i: i \in R_m} (y_i - \hat{y}_i)^2 + \alpha|T|$$` - `\(|T|\)`: Number of terminal nodes or leaves (e.g. size of the tree) - `\(R_m\)`: Predictor space of the `\(m\)`th leaf - `\(\alpha\)`: Tuning parameter -- What happens if `\(\alpha=0\)`? --- # Only attempt a split if it's worth it .center[ ![]( ] --- # Let's see how to do it in R! ```r *library(caret) set.seed(100) ct = train( factor(unsubscribe) ~ . - id, data = hbo.train, #remember your outcome needs to be a factor! method = "rpart", # The method is called rpart trControl = trainControl("cv", number = 10), tuneLength = 15 ) ``` --- # Let's see how to do it in R! ```r library(caret) set.seed(100) ct = train( factor(unsubscribe) ~ . - id, data = hbo.train, #remember your outcome needs to be a factor! * method = "rpart", trControl = trainControl("cv", number = 10), tuneLength = 15 ) ``` --- # Let's see how to do it in R! ```r library(caret) set.seed(100) ct = train( factor(unsubscribe) ~ . - id, data = hbo.train, #remember your outcome needs to be a factor! method = "rpart", trControl = trainControl("cv", number = 10), * tuneLength = 15 ) ``` - `tuneLength` is useful when you don't want to pass a specific grid (usually it might not be enough though!) --- # We could also provide a grid of complexity parameters ```r library(rpart) set.seed(100) ct = train( factor(unsubscribe) ~ . - id, data = hbo.train, method = "rpart", trControl = trainControl("cv", number = 10), * tuneGrid = expand.grid(cp = seq(0,1, by = 0.01)), control = rpart.control(minsplit = 20) ) ``` .small[ - `cp`: Complexity parameter - Split must decrease the overall lack of fit by a factor of `cp`, or is not attempted. - Parameter for **.darkorange[pruning the tree]**. - Higher `cp`, smaller the tree! - `minsplit`: Min. number of obs in a node to attempt a split.] --- # This works similarly to the penalty term in regularization... .small[ ```r plot(ct) ``` <img src="f2023_sta235h_12_DecisionTrees_files/figure-html/rmse-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ```r ct$bestTune ``` ``` ## cp ## 4 0.03 ``` ] --- # ... And we can also plot the tree! .small[ ```r library(rattle) fancyRpartPlot(ct$finalModel, caption = "Classification tree for Unsubscribe") ``` <img src="f2023_sta235h_12_DecisionTrees_files/figure-html/full_tree-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- <br> .box-4Trans[What do you think the percentages in the leaves represent?] <img src="f2023_sta235h_12_DecisionTrees_files/figure-html/full_tree2-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- background-position: 50% 50% class: left, bottom, inverse .big[ Regression Trees ] --- # Regression Trees - Outcome is **.darkorange[continuous]** -- - Very similar to what we have seen with **.darkorange[classification trees]**: - Predicted outcome is the **.darkorange[mean outcome for the leaf/region]**. --- # In R is basically the same .pull-left[ ```r set.seed(100) rt = train( logins ~. - unsubscribe - id, data = hbo.train, method = "rpart", trControl = trainControl("cv", number = 10), tuneLength = 20 ) plot(rt) ``` ] .pull-right[ <img src="f2023_sta235h_12_DecisionTrees_files/figure-html/plot_cv-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- # Providing a specific grid for cp .pull-left[ ```r set.seed(100) *tuneGrid = expand.grid(cp = seq(0, 0.1, by = 0.005)) rt = train( logins ~. - unsubscribe - id, data = hbo.train, method = "rpart", trControl = trainControl("cv", number = 10), * tuneGrid = tuneGrid ) plot(rt) ``` ] .pull-right[ <img src="f2023_sta235h_12_DecisionTrees_files/figure-html/plot_cv2-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- # Plot the tree .pull-left[ ```r fancyRpartPlot(rt$finalModel, caption="Regression Tree for Login") ``` <img src="f2023_sta235h_12_DecisionTrees_files/figure-html/plot_tree_reg-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] .pull-right[ ```r rt$finalModel ``` ``` ## n= 5000 ## ## node), split, n, deviance, yval ## * denotes terminal node ## ## 1) root 5000 66387.3700 4.806800 ## 2) succession>=0.5 3535 24633.5000 2.973409 ## 4) city< 0.5 500 517.1580 0.322000 * ## 5) city>=0.5 3035 20022.2800 3.410214 * ## 3) succession< 0.5 1465 1200.0180 9.230717 ## 6) city< 0.5 212 132.2028 8.061321 * ## 7) city>=0.5 1253 728.8571 9.428571 * ``` ] --- .box-6Trans[Q4: What would the predicted value be for a customer who hasn't watched Succession and lives in a city?] .pull-left[ ```r fancyRpartPlot(rt$finalModel, caption="Regression Tree for Login") ``` <img src="f2023_sta235h_12_DecisionTrees_files/figure-html/plot_tree_reg2-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] .pull-right[ ```r rt$finalModel ``` ``` ## n= 5000 ## ## node), split, n, deviance, yval ## * denotes terminal node ## ## 1) root 5000 66387.3700 4.806800 ## 2) succession>=0.5 3535 24633.5000 2.973409 ## 4) city< 0.5 500 517.1580 0.322000 * ## 5) city>=0.5 3035 20022.2800 3.410214 * ## 3) succession< 0.5 1465 1200.0180 9.230717 ## 6) city< 0.5 212 132.2028 8.061321 * ## 7) city>=0.5 1253 728.8571 9.428571 * ``` ] --- # Main takeaways of decision trees .pull-left[ .center[ ![]( ] ] .pull-right[ **.darkorange[Main advantages:]** - Easy to interpret and explain (you can plot them!) - Mirrors human decision-making. - Can handle qualitative predictors (without need for dummies). **.darkorange[Main disadvantages:]** - Accuracy not as high as other methods - Very sensitive to training data (e.g. overfitting) ] --- # Next class .pull-left[ Use of decision trees as building blocks for **.darkorange[more powerful prediction methods!]** - Bagging - Random Forests - Boosting] .pull-right[ .center[ ![]( ] ] --- # References - James, G. et al. (2021). "Introduction to Statistical Learning with Applications in R". *Springer. Chapter 8* - Starmer, J.. (2018). "Decision Trees". *Video materials from StatQuest (YouTube)*. - STDHA. (2018). ["CART Model: Decision Tree Essentials"]( <!-- pagedown::chrome_print('C:/Users/mc72574/Dropbox/Hugo/Sites/sta235/exampleSite/content/Classes/Week12/1_DecisionTrees/f2021_sta235h_17_DecisionTrees.html') -->